Pecuniary Incentive in Tournaments and Effects of Players’ Heterogeneity on Efforts in the Association of Tennis Professionals


  • Jane Wen-Jhan Shih Hsin University, Department of Economics, Taiwan



Competition, Heterogeneous contestants, Random-effects logistic model, Superstar effects, Tournament theory


This article addresses the issues of players’ heterogeneity in individual efforts and winning probability in the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) games. ATP players’ personal characteristics and performance from 2011 to 2013 are collected. The results show that a negative impact of the matchup’s heterogeneity on the intensity of the game is found. The evidence thus indicates that the two players play harder when the heterogeneity is smaller. Evidence also indicate that the pecuniary incentive in tournaments is supported, and appearance of a superstar makes his opponent exert less effort. In the odds ratio analysis for the players’ heterogeneity, a rank differential increases a favorite player with 1.004% winning percentage in ATP matches. Younger, lower BMI, experienced, and right-hand players are more likely to win.

Key words: Competition, Heterogeneous contestants, Random-effects logistic model, Superstar effects, Tournament theory

JEL: D01, M52, L83.

Posebnost podsticanja na turnirima i efekti heterogenosti napora igrača u Udruženju teniskih profesionalaca

Rad govori o problemima heterogenosti igrača u pojedinačnim naporima i verovatnoći pobede u igrama Udruženja teniskih profesionalaca (ATP). Prikupljaju se lične karakteristike i performanse ATP igrača od 2011. do 2013. godine. Rezultati pokazuju negativan uticaj heterogenosti meča na intenzitet igre. Dokazi pokazuju da dvojica igrača igraju jače kada je heterogenost manja. Dokazi takođe ukazuju na značaj novčanog podsticaja na turnirima, kao i da pojava šampiona čini da njegov protivnik ulaže manje napora. U analizi odnosa kvota heterogenosti igrača, razlika u rangu povećava omiljenog igrača sa 1.004% dobitaka u ATP utakmicama. Mlađi, niži BMI, iskusni i igrači koji igraju sa desnom rukom imaju veću verovatnoću da pobede.

Ključne reči: Takmičenje, heterogeni takmičari, logistički model nasumičnih efekata, efekat šampiona, teorija turnira.


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How to Cite

Wen-Jhan, J. (2018). Pecuniary Incentive in Tournaments and Effects of Players’ Heterogeneity on Efforts in the Association of Tennis Professionals. Panoeconomicus, 67(1), 69–92.



Original scientific paper